
International Volunteers day: Empowering women who cycle

A women’s cycling group based in Manchester do their annual food, gift and toy collection to give back this Christmas. Lady Pedal Manchester is a cycling community of women, which first formed in 2016. It originally aimed to motivate women to get out and cycle, with a large emphasis on teaching females bikers maintenance and […]

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Manchester café hosts bike ride to encourage women to cycle

Levenshulme cycling café Station South are hosting several bike rides this Sunday in celebration of International Women’s Day.  The ride is to start at 12pm on March 12 at the Emmeline Pankhurst Statue at St Peter’s Square and then the women will cycle to Station South.  Leader of Community Involvement at Station South, Anna Smith, […]

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Salford cycling campaigner receives Twitter abuse following commute video which was viewed five million times

By Isaac Stacey Stronge A cyclist campaigning for active travel in Greater Manchester has sparked fury online following a video he posted of his perilous commute. Harry Gray, 27, posted the tweet on Saturday, January 28, which went on to be viewed more than five million times, but not all were sympathetic to his cause. […]

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