A shortage of careworkers has led to a relaxation in the immigration rules with no formal qualification essential to work as a carer in the UK.
A Level 2 Health and Social Care will help anyone to start with the first care job. This means any individual above 16 years with a work permit in the UK can engage in a carer job to earn an income.
Teena Joy, a nursing professional in Manchester, said: “Carers play a vital role in supporting vulnerable people, from young children to disabled adults. I wonder why the government is not making any formal qualifications must for such a serious profession that deals with human lives.”
The majority of the agency carers at Manchester are now overseas students enrolled in diverse courses. They enter the job after attending basic one-day or two-day training
Sruthy Pillai, who works as an agency carer in Manchester said: “I feel the job is challenging, especially while dealing with medical conditions such as dementia.”
When training becomes just an element for future progression, starters to the job, especially students are considering this as a choice.
Lack of proper knowledge of caring may even leave them exposed to physical attacks from residents with severe mental conditions.
A career in her early 30s who wished to remain anonymous claims attacks towards carers were common.
She said: “I was beaten up by a resident and suffered with body pain and swelling – he had a mental illness.”
There are also many cases reported where workers abused residents and the number of elder abuses in nursing homes is increasing year by year.
According to a recent report from World Health Organization (WHO), rates of abuse of older people are high in institutions such as nursing homes and long-term care facilities.
Another Care Assistant at Manchester who wished to remain anonymous, claimed: “I think physical and psychological abuse of residents or vice-versa happens with the staffing of carers without proper training.”
A professional qualification or training as a strict requirement to start working as a carer can bring changes to the quality of the sector, assuring the safety of carers and residents.