An ePetition signed by more than 1700 people has divided the Altrincham community over the future of their historic Town Hall.
Constructed at the turn of the 20th Century, the Altrincham Town Hall was the local seat of government until 1974 and has since acted as a hub for weddings and community interest groups.
The building, designed by Manchester architect Charles Albert Hindle, has been listed as one of seven sites that Trafford Council have earmarked as suitable for disposal or lease.
The ‘Save Altrincham Town Hall’ ePetition was presented before Trafford Council on January 25.
Trevor Stone, Treasurer of the Altrincham and Bowdon Civic community, attended and argued against the proposed sale. He said: “The whole process has been shambolic, and we have been made to feel unfairly treated.
“The council has met its legal obligations, but it has not met the spirit of them – we want to work with you, not against you, to find a mutually agreeable solution.”

Councillor Liz Patel, the Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration, noted that the Council was facing “difficult budget decisions” and that front-line services and the most vulnerable were being prioritised.
Cllr Patel added: “Just to clarify, it would be via a lease. Altrincham Town Hall is not being flogged off, redeveloped for flats or lost to council ownership.”
Members of the local community raised concerns in the aftermath of the meeting.
The Altrincham Court Leet tweeted that the meeting had been “a most frustrating evening”, while Hale resident, Dan Jones, lodged his disappointment with Trafford Council Leader Tom Ross over a “summary dismissal of the petition.”
The ePetition is set to run until June 13 with the future of Altrincham Town Hall still hanging in the balance.