A contract for the construction of 35 affordable homes has been given the green light by Salford City Council.
The housing will be built across two different sites on Eccles New Road and in Tootal Grove, with the construction being funded by the government’s Rough Sleepers Accommodation Programme.
The Salford homeless charity ‘Loaves and Fishes’ were consulted in the development of the scheme. They influenced the design and layout of the properties.
Helen Tattum, a senior support worker at the charity, said: “It didn’t feel like it was a tick-box exercise, they came out, they spent time with the community, and the key takeaway is that they took onboard what people were saying and explained what they could and couldn’t do.”
Community representatives emphasised the importance of incorporating private spaces into the accommodation as well as communal areas.
They also emphasised the need for a sense of community.
“If you’re going to put this temporary accommodation alongside other new-build accommodation, it’s really important that this temporary accommodation looks like the rest of the housing,” Ms Tattum said.
“The council really took it onboard – they understood that if people are going to go into this accommodation, then they need to feel like a part of the community and they need to sort of just blend in.”
The £7,186,826 contract was awarded to PLP Construction Ltd. by the council’s Procurement Board.
Rising rates of homelessness and an increasing demand for affordable accommodation in the city have necessitated a need for more move-on accommodation.
Homelessness in Salford has been increasing since 2012. In 2021/22, 4987 households presented as homeless in the city – this was an 11% increase on the year before (SCC).
Additionally, the number of people in temporary accommodation in the city continues to rise. There are currently 493 households in temporary accommodation and the council do not have enough move-on properties to sufficiently reduce these numbers (SCC).
Salford City Council believes this programme will have many benefits, a key one being a reduction in the use of temporary accommodation which often places vulnerable homeless people out of the city.
It will also provide valuable ‘stepping stone’ accommodation for those seeking to address issues in their lives such as substance misuse and mental health challenges.
The duration of the contract is 16 months, and its definitive confirmation remains subject to final Homes England grant approval.
Salford City Council have previously utilised the government’s Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme fund to build ten new homes for people facing homelessness in partnership with ForHousing.
The Council have been approached for a statement.
Find out more about Salford Loaves and Fishes here.